Last login: Wed Nov 23 2022 19:51:00 on DreamHost

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I majored in Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma (B.A., Class of 2014). Currently, I am an AML compliance analyst at PNC. You may wish to have a look at my résumé.

I'm the drummer and occasional lyricist for Seven Kill Steel, a progressive metal band from Lorain County, Ohio. When I was in Amniote, someone saw fit to create an entry for me in the Encyclopaedia Metallum, and I have an entry on Discogs as well. I also created Twin Aster.

I am a member of Mensa, Intertel, the Top One Percent Society, and the One-in-a-Thousand Society.

I make constructed languages (conlangs). While chri d. d. currently maintains the searchable version, I was the original curator for the Index Diachronica. I also am a member of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, the Language Construction Society, and the Klingon Language Institute. / fb@galen.buttitta / ig@man_in_space / li@galen-buttitta / tw@man_in_space / t@man-in-space


"I climb the mountain, but have no feet." -- Mark Rosenfelder
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Hacker Bootstrap theme created by Tobin Brown. (c) 2015